Komendy, Gry, Quake Collection 1-4 PL-EN

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Client Cvars & CommandsExcessive Plus has several new client cvars and commands, as well as some modifications to existing ones, which accounts for its many server side features. In this document you will find them all.Variable listcom_maxfps- Sets a cap of FPS that you Q3 client will not exceed. Maximum FPS is 125.com_hunkmegs- Sets a number of Megabytes (mb's) that your Quake 3 Client can use to load maps. Some maps need more memory. Maximum number is 128. Default is 56mbr_displayrefresh- Sets your Display Refresh rate in Quake III. Do not exceed the Display refresh rate your monitor can handle. If you do not know what Display refresh rate your monitor can handle, do not use this command.cl_timeNudgecg_cmdTimeNudgecg_drawBBoxcg_shadows- Enables and Disables shadows ingamecg_gibs- Enables and Disables enemies blowing up and parts of them flying aroundcg_drawrewards- Enables and Disables the notification of Rewardscg_marks- Removes marks, bullet holes, scratches and weapon fire effects from all terrains. Increases FPScg_drawfps- Enables and Disables a HUD text that shows you how much FPS your Q3 Client hascg_projectileNudgecg_noprojectiletrail- Enables and Disables smoke from rocketsscr_conspeed- Changes speed of the Console. Maximum working number is "999".cg_draw3dicons- changes default 3D HUD icons (weapon, ammo, head) and puts instead of them 2d.cg_centertime- varies the number of seconds of center printed messages that block your visibility. All kind of messages eg. "You fragged xxx";"xxx joined xx team"; and other. "/cg_centertime 0" removes the messages completellycg_lagometer- Enables and Disabled a animation in your HUD that shows your connection smoothnessname- Changes your ingame namexp_aspectRatioxp_colors- Setxp_corpsexp_country- Set your country "GB" EN" "LT" etc.xp_crosshairColor- Changes your Crosshair colorxp_delagDemoxp_delagWeaponsxp_drawClientNum- Shows clients numbers near by namexp_drawMousexp_drawMVDWindowxp_drawNamesxp_drawNotifyxp_drawPing- Shows your ping ploterxp_drawScores- Shows Scores as a part of your HUDxp_drawSpeed- Shows your Speed as a part of your HUDxp_drawStats- Shows your stats in your HUDxp_drawTime- Shows game time in your HUDxp_drawWeaponSelect- When you choose a weapon either by bind either by mouse scrolling by using the command it shows the Weapon grid and which weapon you selectedxp_enemyColors- Changes color of all enemy models, "2112" numbers represents four colorsxp_enemyModel- Changes all enemy models to the one you choosexp_gunFovxp_hud- Enables and Disables your HUD (there are 1 to 7 presets)xp_namexp_noBlink- Enables and Disables fancy names blinkingxp_noBobbingxp_noChatBeep- Enables and Disables console chat beepsxp_noMipxp_noParticlesxp_noRadioChat- Enables and Disables radio voice chat soundsxp_noShotgunTrail- Enables and Disables shotgun trail ingamexp_noSnow- Enables and Disables Snow Animation ingamexp_noVoiceChat- Enables and Disables Voice Chat ingamexp_oldGrenade- Enables and Disables the new Grenade to the old onexp_oldHitSoundxp_oldScoreboardxp_onExit- Put here a command, that will be executed on exitxp_recordMessagexp_screenshotDefaultxp_specModelxp_startrecordDefaultxp_teamSoundsvid_restart- Restarts video in your Quake 3 Client to successfully save changed settings or simply if you changed gamma or picmip.Command listaway- Moves you to "away" mode in Spectators List. Once you join back any team your kills and score will not be reset to 0 but will remain same as when you used "/away". Time will be you pre-away time + all the time you where away+vstr, -vstrcountries, locations- These commands show you what Countries/locations are other players in.drop- drops weapon or item.echo2help- Shows you a list of available helphudignore, mute- Ignores or Mutes a concrete Player. To ignore or mute someone look up there ID by pressing TAB and the ID number. Works like -> "/ignore 0" or "/mute 0". 0 is just a example.invite- Invite someone to the locked teamjoinword- Join password to a locked teamlock- Lock a teammessagemodeXPmotd- MOTD or "Message of the day". With "/motd" you change the Message of the daynotready- during a tournament or after a match this command sets your status as not readplayers- shows players list in consoleready- during a tournament or after a match this command sets your status as readyref, refereesay_spec- by "/say_spec" only spectators can see what you say.say_team- by "/say_team" only your team-mates can see what you say.scores- shows scoresscreenshotXP- does not exists ?screenshotXPDefault- can take arguments like $(rdate) $(time) $(map) $(servername), and in config looks like seta xp_screenshotDefault "$(rdate)_$(time)_$(map)", will name it screenshot image with date time map namespeconly- turn on spectator modestartmvd- starts recording multi demo, demo from all players in serverstartrecord- starts recording one following player demostats- shows you your statsstopmvdteamready- sets ready status to all members in teamtimein- same as ready then taken timeouttimeout- stops, pauses game-play for a certain timeunignore, unmute- removes ignore or mute on a player you have ignored or muted. To un-ignore or unmute someone look up there ID by pressing TAB and the ID number. Works like -> "/unignore 0" or "/unmute 0". 0 is just a example.unlock- unlock team if it was lockedwallhack- works for rcon only in spectators modeweaplast [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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